Elevate your People

Elevate your Company

 No one wants to be miserable at work 

During this time of unstable, yet hyper-competitive markets, company culture and communication has become increasingly important. Having and maintaining a positive organizational culture is the difference between employees leaving or staying, contributing or checking out, and ultimately misery or happiness.

Even before these volatile times, working with scaling startups and individuals, it became clear that by the time leaders focused on culture, the price to fix it was immense. As a result, relationships are damaged, performance takes a hit, valuable employees leave and the company is left with an undesirable image. Now there is the added need to focus on how the current times are impacting your company culture.

Turns out there is a better way

By shifting towards a more People focused, Communication-centered mindset, your company can reap immense benefits: 

  • Happy employees who feel a sense of belonging and advocate for the company 

  • Better collaboration and productivity

  • Recruiting tool for high performers 

  • High employee retention rates

  • The list goes on . . .

Goto Consulting can help you instill a more humanistic approach to the workplace 

Helping leaders and organizations uncover the underlying causes of performance obstacles and empowering change with a People-focused and Communication-centered mindset. 



Our interview-based methodology allows us to perform a comprehensive 360 degree Culture Check  to understand existing culture and the underlying causes of performance obstacles. This allows us to design a custom vision and implementation plan to elevate the workplace experience into a more collaborative, inclusive and productive culture.  


Coaching for executives and senior leaders, designed to foster better communication and decision making skills to effectively lead teams. When the Culture Check is used within the 1:1 coaching, executives experience ‘the truth’ allowing for reality-checking, self-reflection and a true executive upgrade


Prepare your incoming and existing workforce with targeted training via professional developments, Lunch & Learns, retreats, etc. Vital topics include: 

  • Forward Looking Leadership Foundations

  • Elevating Workplace Communication 

  • Managing Perceptions 

  • Understanding Unconscious Bias 

  • Customized training programs specific to workplace needs


Providing an informal, neutral, confidential, and independent resource to help all employees voluntarily seeking assistance with early conflict navigation. We provide a safe space to discuss concerns and potential next steps, allowing workplace challenges to be surfaced and resolved early.


Mediation support in alternative fields, we have alliances with other  top mediators.


As a passion project, Helena works with parents who are trying to keep their families together after the marriage is over. If you are ready to transform your life into the one you dream of, reach out for a consultation.